El objetivo de esta página es dar a conocer constantemente, información de las condiciones meteorológicas de la costa de Chile para la practica de deportes a vela (principalmente el windsurf), y funcionar como canal de comunicación de la comunidad local. La idea es contribuir en dar a conocer las bondades de nuestra zona para la práctica de deportes extremos en especial el windsurf.
Si te gusta la página, por favor apoyanos haciendo click en los anuncios que google muestra, así aportas para poder seguir manteniendo la página y contenido. Gracias
The aim of this page is to give constant information of the meteorological conditions of the coast of Chile for the practice of water-sports (principally windsurfing), and to work as channel of communication of the local community. The idea is to contribute in promoting the conditions of our zone for the practice of extreme sports, especially windsurfing.
If you like this page, please support us by clicking on the advertisements that google shows on the web, so in that way you help un mantaining and feeding content to the page. Thanks
CONTACTO: Yerko Radovic: +56-998402569 yradovic@windmaster.cl
Link a entrevista que me hicieron en Revista Tell Magazine:
Contáctanos al correo: info@windmaster.cl
Windsurf en Chile – Windsurf en Chile – Windsurf en Chile – Windsurf en Chile – Windsurf en Chile – Windsurfing+Chile – Windsurf+Chile
El nombre windmaster nació cuando con mi partner de windsurf Ignacio Castro mandamos a fabricar protectores de pie de mástil y mando de botavara. Buscando una marca para venderlos, di con windmaster, «maestro del viento», y ahí quedó. Tiempos antes de Facebook y las redes sociales, registré el nic, desarrollé un sitio que era básicamente para mis necesidades y gustos, mi propia página de inicio, donde quería tener datos meteorológicos y una webcam para ver desde el trabajo como estaban las condiciones in situ para arrancarme. Ya van muchos años de mantener la web y agradezco cada visita. Me alegra mucho la web le sea útil a la hermandad del viento.
The name windmaster was born when, with my windsurf partner, Ignacio Castro, we ordered the manufacture of mast foot protectors and the boom command. Looking for a brand to sell, I found Windmaster, «master of the wind», and it was there. Times before Facebook and social networks, I registered the nic, developed a site that was basically for my needs and tastes, my own home page, where I wanted to have weather damage and a webcam to see from work how the conditions were in situ to boot. It’s been many years of maintaining the web and I appreciate every visit. I am very happy that the web is useful to the brotherhood of the wind.
Windsurf en Chile – Windsurfing Chile – Windsurf Ritoque – Windsurf Playa Amarilla
Windsurfing is a surface water sport that combines elements of surfing and sailing. It consists of a board usually 2.5 to 3 meters long, with displacements typically between 60 to 250 litres, powered by wind on a sail. The rig is connected to the board by a free-rotating universal joint and consists of a mast, 2-sided boom and sail. The sail area generally ranges from 2.5 m2 to 12 m2 depending on the conditions, the skill of the sailor, the type of windsurfing being undertaken and the weight of the person wind surfing.
Revisa Aqui nuestra antigua Web http://windmaster.cl/old/web